Solanum sp. Laos

Out of stock Preparing to summer 2025

While trekking through the Lao jungle, we came across an interesting species of Solania, the exact classification of which has not yet been determined. The plant grew in a humid, tropical environment where it thrived in partial shade under the crowns of tall trees. The bushes grew to a height of 1.5 meters and had large, broad leaves with fine thorns

But we were most interested in the fruits - round, up to 4 cm in diameter, covered with fine hairs. When ripe, their skin turned a beautiful shade of orange to match the color of their juicy flesh. When tasting it, we were surprised by the unexpected combination of sweetness and mild acidity, which created a refreshing and distinct taste. The fruits were aromatic and their intense flavor would make a great addition to a collection of cultivated tropical plants.


Instructions for growing Solanum sp


Preferably more acidic and well permeable

Recommended mixture: 2 parts peat moss, 1 part perlite, 1 part garden soil and a little sand


At home: As close to a window as possible, with plenty of light.

Summering outside (only from spring to autumn): Partial shade, sheltered place without wind.


Tropical plant - cannot tolerate temperatures below 5 °C for a long time. Winter at least above 10C

Place in the living room, corridor, conservatory or temperate greenhouse, always as close as possible to the window


Fertilizers Conventional water-soluble or granulated

Suitable fertilizer: long-term granulated fertilizer OSMOCOTE

180.00 Kč